Esther, a Divine Reversal: Week Two

God Has You Where He Wants You: Esther 4-6

Group Discussion Questions

Take some time to reread the sermon text, linked here, for this week.

  1. What stood out to you in chapters 4, 5, and 6?

  2. How does Esther’s response at the end of chapter 4 challenge you? How does it encourage you?

  3. Compare and contrast Mordecai and Haman, what are some observations you see from chapters 4 and 5?

  4. What is Esther risking by going in to see the King? Why is he willing to risk so much?

  5. What are some of the “Divine Reversals” you have seen through the book up to this point?

  6. Where do you see God working behind the scenes in the book of Esther? What about in your life?

Close your time with prayer and ask for a renewed faithfulness to the Lord and to the people of God as well as the people within our city.


Esther, a Divine Reversal: Week One


Call to Faith, Week Eight: A Heart Yielded to the LORD