The Great Commission
The Great Commission is a call to action, propelling us outward and on-mission – both to work on Monday morning in Memphis and to the very ends of the earth – to make disciples of all nations. This is the mission that God has sent every Christian on, and it is one Fellowship Memphis wholeheartedly embraces.
At last count, Fellowship Memphis members have served in over 45 different countries on 6 continents. Hundreds have gone overseas and thousands have supported through prayer, fasting, giving financially, training, and so much more. Fellowship Global is such a picture of what the Church is intended to be, the body of Christ, working hand-in-hand with one another to accomplish the mission that has been set before us. Some will stay and some will go, but we will all have our part to play in living out this mission God has given us together as a family.
Will you join in with what Fellowship Memphis is doing to make disciples all across the globe?
Click below for more information on Fellowship Global or to inquire about potential overseas opportunities.
Memphis, Honduras, New York City and the World

Point Honduras is an organization in Tegucigalpa, Honduras that provides care for society’s most vulnerable and disadvantaged there.
They have daily children’s programs serving 800 children a hot meal, and meeting physical, spiritual, educational, emotional and social needs.
Our team seeks to partner with their work on the ground and encourage the team who serve every day.
2025 Point Honduras Trip
WHEN: June 25 - July 1, 2025
WHERE: Tegucigalpa, Honduras
WHO: Open to all ages. Children must be accompanied by a legal guardian.
Registration will open soon. Keep an eye out!

2025 New York City Trip
WHEN: October 11-17, 2025
WHERE: New York City, New York
WHO: Open to all ages. Children must be accompanied by a legal guardian.
Registration will open soon, so stay tuned!
We will be serving the Bushwick neighborhood in Brooklyn.
We will be hosting neighborhood parties
and serving in the Senior Center and in local schools.

We spend an evening monthly serving a meal and getting to know the people at Memphis Union Mission.
Join us at our next serve day. Details below.