Haggai: A Restored Life Week Five
Haggai 2:20-23
Greet everyone and check in on how everyone’s week has been.
Begin your time by praying that God would reveal himself to you and that you would release your self to Him.
Ask the Lord’s presence to be real in your group time and that the Holy Spirit would guide and convict each of you in order to move to greater Christlikeness.
Haggai 2:20-23
Read Haggai 2:20-23. Since this is a very short book of the Bible, you may want to read the entire book to get a greater since of the context of the passage.
Promises for Zerubbabel
20 On that same day, December 18, the Lord sent this second message to Haggai: 21 “Tell Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, that I am about to shake the heavens and the earth. 22 I will overthrow royal thrones and destroy the power of foreign kingdoms. I will overturn their chariots and riders. The horses will fall, and their riders will kill each other.
23 “But when this happens, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, I will honor you, Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, my servant. I will make you like a signet ring on my finger, says the Lord, for I have chosen you. I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, have spoken!”
Describe a time when you struggled with identity. This could be in a personal way, a professional way, or a social way.
Have you been guilty of deceiving yourself to believe you are fine, when in truth you are living in unrepentant sin?
How does it feel when you real a passage like 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 that says that you are not your own? Are you comfortable with the fact that you are a possession of God? Why or why not?
What does it mean to have spiritual authority? How do we access this authority?
How encouraging is it to know that those who have repented and trusted in Christ are God’s “chosen ones”?
How can you reflect on God’s compassionate love for you?
Pray that all of you would truly embrace God’s identity.
Pray for the needs of each of your group members.