Passover Seder Meal Guide

We are most likely to forget the goodness and faithfulness of God when we are facing a trial that seems bigger than our human minds are able to comprehend. When we are grieving or when we face a diagnosis, we seem to forget. When we feel surrounded on all sides with bad news or threats of defeat, we forget. God graciously invites us to remember.

We have to be prompted to call to mind the ways that He has provided for us, protected us, been good to us, and the truth that He never leaves or forsakes us.

Passover is a time of remembering. We have an amazing opportunity to pause and ponder the ways that God has been so faithful to His people. He makes a way when there seems to be no hope, and He invites us to remember that He has been God since before the beginning of time.

He is the God that parts seas and the God who sees. He is the One who defeats death and provides eternal life. Let’s remember Him through observance of a seder meal together.

I would like to encourage you to gather your people - whether it be your Fellowship Group, your family, or your friends - and remember the love and faithfulness of Jesus through a meal and a telling of the story of Passover. This Passover Seder resource will help guide you through all the aspects of the meal. It would typically be observed on the Thursday of Holy Week.

I can't wait to hear how the Lord uses this time of worship, reflection, and praise to prepare your hearts for celebrating Easter this year!

-Jennifer Adkins

Passover Seder by Jennifer Adkins

Holy Week Guide for Families


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