Pastor Hassan Saleem says Goodbye

Hey Fellowship Family,

After much prayer and thoughtful consideration, with a heavy heart, I have decided to resign as Campus Pastor and as an Elder at Fellowship Memphis. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve and be a part of this body for the past 14 years. My family and I have been blessed beyond measure. We've grown tremendously in our faith walk and appreciate everyone who has played a part in our lives for so many years!

Our time with you all at Fellowship Memphis has truly been a significant chapter in the Lord writing our story as a family. Many of you have influenced our lives tremendously. Some of the friendships we've made here are life long and for that my family and I are truly encouraged.

Words can't express how thankful I am for the opportunity to share so many fulfilling life experiences with this body of Christ! I praise the Lord for His faithfulness and thank Him for making it all possible!

I have taken a position with Kids Across America and I am super excited for the next chapter the Lord is writing in my life and in this new ministry opportunity. I will be co-laboring with a faithful team of people, as we invest our lives into the next generations. Although my transition is bittersweet, I trust the Lord’s hand in this process for all.

My last day will be February 28th so I look forward to sharing more personal time with as many of you as possible. You all mean a great deal to the Saleem family and we are going to miss you dearly. We will remain in the Memphis area so there will still be opportunities to connect from time to time.

Fellowship family you will always have a special place in the Saleem family's heart. Thank you and God bless!

In Christ,


Our 2022 FSM Team


Introduction to Discipleship for Women