Praying Like There’s No Tomorrow: Week Eight Group Discussion Guide

Contemplative Prayer

Psalm 27:4

Pray Together

  1. Take some time to ask God to quiet your hearts and make you aware of his presence in your life and in the group today. Remember: We are not just gathering as a small group, but we are gathering and the Lord is in the meeting with us.

  2. Pray that everyone would feel welcomed and willing to join in the discussion.

Read Together

Read the whole chapter of Psalm 27:4

One thing have I asked of the Lord,

that will I seek after:

that I may dwell in the house of the Lord

all the days of my life,

to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord

and to inquire in his temple.

Discuss Together

  • What initially stands out to you from the passage?

  • What does David mean when he asks for “one thing” even when he goes on to ask for other things within this same Psalm?

  • When you think of the “house of the Lord” what comes to mind? Why is the “house of the Lord” significant?

  • What does it mean to “gaze upon the beauty of the Lord?” How can we do that?

  • Have you ever practiced contemplative prayer? If so, what was your experience? If not, what would aid you in trying to practice contemplative prayer?

Practice Contemplative Prayer

First, find a quiet distraction free place to be.

Next, set a timer for anywhere from 1-15 minutes, whatever works best for you, be honest about where you are and fight the urge to be at another place along the journey.

Seek to be present to God by beholding His beauty, being held by His love and just merely being.

  • Distraction, deceit and deficiencies will come, don’t give them a second thought, just gently return to contemplating God.

  • Fight the urge to determine whether or not you are doing it “right,” there is not “right” way, nor is that the point.

Allow yourself to be loved.


Praying Like There’s No Tomorrow: Week Nine Group Discussion Guide


Praying Like There’s No Tomorrow: Week Seven Group Discussion Guide