Table Talk: Beyond Hello Week Three

BEYOND HELLO: Encountering Christ Through Connection

Here’s a short description of our current sermon series.
When we step toward deeper relationships with one another, we tangibly experience the character of Jesus. God's love flows through us to others, and through others to us. We can feel His embrace in their hugs, His forgiveness in their pardon, and His compassion in their empathy. Intentionally pursuing others and stepping into their stories allows us to carry His presence into their lives - into both the joys and struggles - with purpose. As we take these steps, we'll encounter the relentless pursuit of Jesus and experience His power and nearness more richly in our own lives, as He impacts the world through us.


We believe that Jesus’ teaching is more than just knowledge for our minds (though it is certainly that). It should transform our actions. By living out - or practicing - the ways of Jesus, we are being shaped into a people who look more and more like Him.

One of the ways that we can live out what we are learning throughout this sermon series is through the practice of Hospitality. Hospitality is generously welcoming others into our home or space. We know that the ancient church embraced this practice wholeheartedly, as they “broke bread and ate together in their homes with glad and sincere hearts” (Acts 2:46). At least one time in the next four weeks, we challenge you to invite someone into your home to share a meal together. Treat your guest(s) with extra care and attention, thinking about how you can make each person feel most welcome and loved. We encourage you to stretch yourself relationally, and to ask God to show you people who would be especially encouraged by your invitation. If you have children, involve them in the planning and preparation as much as possible.

You can pray this prayer daily during the sermon series, or use it as a closing for table conversations each week.

Our Good Shepherd, you have pursued us persistently with care and compassion, and You ask us to pursue one another with that same love. Your power flows through us as we pray for each other. And we experience your nearness when we steward one another’s stories well. We ask that you would deepen our current relationships, and help us to form new relationships in the coming days. We trust that as we grow in love for one another, the world will see and will be drawn to You.


Sermon Summary

Through self-sacrifice, we enter each other’s stories, bringing the care and nearness of Christ to one another in a felt way.

Conversation Starters


Jesus told a story about a man who stopped to help someone who was hurt on the road. He gave him medicine and bandages to help him heal, and also gave him a safe place to sleep and food to eat. When you see someone who is hurt - your brother, sister, friend, or a stranger - what can you do to help? What can you do if their feelings JAN 19TH: ENCOUNTERING CHRIST’S NEARNESS are hurt, or they are sad? Does it make you feel better when someone helps you like that? God says that when we love one another like that, we are also showing our love for Him.


Research shows that only about 10% of people actively listen to others. Most of us are distracted listeners - we look at our phones or watches, think about other things, or plan what we’re going to say next instead of really listening. Think of a time when you felt truly listened to and understood. How did that make you feel? Do you think God’s call to enter one another’s stories and live sacrificially should impact how we listen to one another? What impact would it have on our church, your school, your family, etc. if we all became better listeners?


A Swedish proverb says, “shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.” Have you found this to be true in your own life? What are some ways that others have entered your story, bringing you the care and nearness of Christ? Do you find it easier or more difficult to allow others to enter your story? Why? Do you find it easier or more difficult to enter someone else’s story and really seek to understand them? Why?


Table Talk: Beyond Hello Week Four


Table Talk: Beyond Hello Week Two