Table Talk: The Way Forward - Week Three

THE WAY FORWARD: Discovering the Spirit's Path in Acts

Here’s a short description of our current sermon series.
In this exhilarating series, we'll embark on a journey through the book of Acts, tracing the footsteps of the early church and witnessing the extraordinary ways the Holy Spirit empowered and guided its formation. We'll delve into the Spirit's role in equipping the disciples with boldness and supernatural gifts, leading them to unprecedented growth and impact. By studying their sensitivity to the Spirit's promptings, we'll uncover timeless principles for how he might be leading us to lay the next bricks of the 21st-century church in Memphis. This journey promises to ignite our faith, deepen our dependence on the Spirit, and inspire us to be a Spirit-led community that reflects God's love and power to the world around us. Join us as we discover how the lessons of those who went before us can empower us to bring renewal to God’s good world today.


We believe that Jesus’ teaching is more than just knowledge for our minds (though it is certainly that). It should transform our actions. By living out - or practicing - the ways of Jesus, we are being shaped into a people who look more and more like Him.

In the book of Acts, we witness courageous believers who pray bold prayers of salvation, healing, unity, and deliverance. God’s Word encourages us to come boldly to God in prayer because we are his children, redeemed by Christ and sealed with the Holy Spirit. It can be hard to pray bold prayers. We might be afraid of disappointment or “getting our hopes up”. We might be afraid of ridicule or rejection. Or maybe bold prayers just weren’t modeled for us. During the next five weeks, we encourage you to choose one simple, bold prayer to pray every day (or as often as you remember). We suggest that you choose something in one of the four categories above: 1) salvation, 2) healing, 3) unity, or 4) deliverance. (ex: “Lord, I believe that you have the power to save _________, and I am asking you, in faith, to do it!”) This prayer can be for you or someone you know. If you have children, we encourage you to involve them in choosing a bold prayer that they can pray, or that you can pray as a family. You could write or print this prayer on a piece of paper and leave it on your dinner table, in your car, or another place you regularly gather together so that you will have it close at hand each day. (If you have questions or want to talk more about prayer, please reach out to any member of our staff. We are here to walk with you in your journey of faith.)


You can pray this prayer daily during the sermon series, or use it as a closing for table conversations each week.

Holy Spirit, Jesus said that it was better for him to go away, that you would come and live in us. Forgive us for the times when we have relied on our own power and strength, instead of putting our trust in you alone. We ask that you would increase our faith, and we humbly pray that you would use us to grow your kingdom. Give us the words and courage to proclaim your good news of freedom to those around us. Give us faith to pray bold prayers of salvation, healing, unity, and deliverance. Thank you for being ever-present with us.

In Jesus name,

Week Two: One in the Spirit: Supernatural Unity

SERMON SUMMARY The Holy Spirit cultivates a supernatural unity among believers. The early church provides a compelling example, demonstrating this Spirit-empowered unity through a radical love and generosity that led them to share all things in common. This Spirit-driven generosity transcended typical social and economic divisions, creating a community marked by remarkable cohesion. This profound unity, born of the Spirit, served as a powerful and undeniable witness to the world, clearly testifying to the transformative work of the Holy Spirit within them.

Conversation Starters


The Holy Spirit helps us to become kind and generous people. “Generous” means that we are excited to share with other people, and we don’t expect anything back. We can give money, food, or other things that people need. We can give people our time. We can use our special gifts or talents to help and bless others. There are many ways that we can be generous! Can you think of some ways that you can be generous?


The book of Acts tells us about how Christians in the early church lived and interacted with one another. One way that the Holy Spirit worked in the lives of Christ-followers was by leading them to give generously to one another. Acts 2:44-45 says that they “shared everything they had” and that they “sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need.” What would that kind of radical generosity look like for someone your age? (Keep in mind that we can be generous with all kinds of things - time, money, talents/gifts, things, etc.) If your family and friends were to name your strengths, would generosity be one of them? With the Holy Spirit’s help, what are some practical ways that you can be a more generous person? Would that change the way others, including non-Christians, think about you?


Have you ever been on the giving and/or receiving end of radical generosity? Is it easier or harder for you to imagine a church community where everyone’s needs are met through the sharing of resources? What would be the markers for that kind of community? With the Holy Spirit’s help, what are some practical steps that you and others in our church could take to get closer to that vision? Would that impact the community outside of Fellowship Memphis? Why or why not?


Table Talk: The Way Forward - Week Five


Table Talk: The Way Forward - Week Two