Table Talk: The Way Forward - Week Six

THE WAY FORWARD: Discovering the Spirit's Path in Acts

Here’s a short description of our current sermon series.
In this exhilarating series, we'll embark on a journey through the book of Acts, tracing the footsteps of the early church and witnessing the extraordinary ways the Holy Spirit empowered and guided its formation. We'll delve into the Spirit's role in equipping the disciples with boldness and supernatural gifts, leading them to unprecedented growth and impact. By studying their sensitivity to the Spirit's promptings, we'll uncover timeless principles for how he might be leading us to lay the next bricks of the 21st-century church in Memphis. This journey promises to ignite our faith, deepen our dependence on the Spirit, and inspire us to be a Spirit-led community that reflects God's love and power to the world around us. Join us as we discover how the lessons of those who went before us can empower us to bring renewal to God’s good world today.


We believe that Jesus’ teaching is more than just knowledge for our minds (though it is certainly that). It should transform our actions. By living out - or practicing - the ways of Jesus, we are being shaped into a people who look more and more like Him.

The Holy Spirit invites us to not only bring our requests before the Lord, but to have an intimate relationship with Him, to spend time with Him and listen to His voice. As we have seen in the book of Acts, early Christians spent time with God in prayer and obeyed the Spirit’s promptings. It takes time and practice to attune our hearts to hear God’s voice, and to discern His leading from our own

thoughts or ideas. Whether you are just beginning to practice listening prayer or have a lot of experience, time spent in God’s presence is never wasted. Here is a simple practice that we encourage you to do on your own over the next 6 weeks (adapted from Practicing the Way). *Parents and caregivers, our “Teaching Kids to PRAY” resource is available upon request. This resource can help you teach your children to both talk to and listen to God in prayer.

  • Breathe - Take a minute or two to just breathe slowly and deeply, calming your mind and body. You may want to simply pray, “Come Holy Spirit” as you inhale and exhale each breath.

  • Silence - Ask God to silence the voice of the enemy in your mind, to shield your imagination, and guard you from distraction.

  • Ask the Spirit to speak to you.

  • Open your mind and heart to listen - 1 Corinthians 6:19 tells us our body is a “temple of the Holy Spirit.” The Spirit within you has direct access to your imagination. Wait quietly with a surrendered heart. He may come to you in a:

    • Word or phrase

    • Scripture

    • Thought

    • Picture in your mind

    • Feeling in your heart

    • Sensation in your body

  • Don’t judge yourself or God, even if nothing comes. Time spent in God’s presence is never wasted, and we can have faith that He is working, even when we don’t feel or see it. Our job is to be present to God and to listen for his voice when He desires to speak to us.

  • Test whatever you “hear” against Scripture, and in community. If God’s word to you was directional, obey. Go do what he said!


You can pray this prayer daily during the sermon series, or use it as a closing for table conversations each week.

Holy Spirit, Jesus said that it was better for him to go away, that you would come and live in us. Forgive us for the times when we have relied on our own power and strength, instead of putting our trust in you alone. We ask that you would increase our faith, and we humbly pray that you would use us to grow your kingdom. Give us ears to hear your voice, faith to believe that you are always working for your glory and our good, and the courage to obey your call. Thank you for being ever-present with us.

In Jesus name,

Week Five: Breaking Barriers: The Spirit’s Inclusion

SERMON SUMMARY The Holy Spirit actively breaks down barriers and opens doors for the Gospel to reach all people, regardless of their background. Peter's divinely orchestrated encounter with Cornelius, a Gentile, and the subsequent deliberations of the Jerusalem Council powerfully demonstrate the Spirit's leading in overcoming deeply ingrained cultural and ethnic divisions. These events showcase how the Spirit propelled the early church toward a radical inclusion of Gentiles, ensuring that the message of salvation was available to everyone.

Conversation Starters


The Bible says that the good news about Jesus - the news that He loves us, came to rescue us, and wants to live with us forever - is for all people! This great news will be shared around the world until every group of people has heard it. The Holy Spirit helps us to share this news in the places where we live, with the people we see all the time. Who are some people you can share God’s good news with? Is there someone in your family? A friend? A neighbor? A teacher? A classmate? Maybe you need to be reminded of God’s great news today. Jesus loves you! He came to rescue you. And He wants to live with you forever!


Before Jesus came, God’s chosen people were mostly Jews (with a few exceptions). Jesus ushered in a new era when all people can become part of God’s family through faith in Christ - people of every race, ethnicity, personality, political ideology, cultural group, belief system, prior religion, etc. What are some barriers that you see in reaching different types of people with the gospel of Jesus? Have you seen or heard of ways that the Holy Spirit overcomes those barriers? How can we share the gospel in ways that respect differences, but preserve the truth? Are you willing to pray for more opportunities to share the good news of Jesus with all types of people?


It’s easy for us to imagine the good news of Jesus reaching people like ourselves. But what about people who are different from us, people of different backgrounds, beliefs, political views, etc.? Is there a person in your life who you didn’t think would accept the gospel, but who is now a Christ-follower? How does the Holy Spirit break down barriers for the gospel to go out to different people groups? What is the role of Christians in that work? How can we be more in tune to opportunities at home and abroad where we can share Christ with others?


Table Talk: The Way Forward - Week Five