The Call to Missional Prayer - Guide to Practical Applications

The Call to Missional Prayer

Scripture: Colossians 4:2-4

Discussion/Reflection Questions

  1. What strikes you most about Paul’s perspective?

  2. Based on how this passage talks about prayer, what new practices or attitudes are you eager to embrace?

  3. Why is prayer central and formative for mission to Paul? What application does this have for you?

  4. Think about Jack Miller’s concept of frontline prayer below. Which of the four elements are most needed in you/our life? Which is most present?

  5. How is Christ the Hero of this passage? How can shape your prayers on mission?

Practice: Missional Prayer

  1. Expectancy. God promises to indwell the prayers of His people. We come to pray with expectant hearts that God will meet with us and change us.

  2. A Hunger for Grace. A request for grace to confess our sins and humble ourselves.

  3. A Hunger for God. We come to pray with a yearning to know God and glimpse His glory.

  4. A Hunger for the Kingdom. We come to pray for the flourishing of the church and the salvation of the lost.


Pastor Claude Atcho leaving to plant a church in Charlottesville, VA


The Gift of Serving - Guide to Practical Applications