The Gift of Spiritual Friendships - Guide to Practical Applications

The Gift of Spiritual Friendship

Scripture: Proverbs 27:17 & Proverbs 18:24

“Friendliness is common currency today.… Friendliness may grease the wheels of human interaction, but it is not the same thing as friendship. Friends are not a dime a dozen. They are not the same thing as allies, colleagues, neighbors, relatives, and acquaintances. Friends require a degree of intentionality and self-donating love that goes beyond friendliness and supporting each other in some act or enterprise. Friends know our being as well as our doing.” - Adele Cahlhoun

“Spiritual friendship involves cultivating a covenant friendship where I can naturally share about my life with God. It is grounded in relationship to God and a commitment to support, encourage, and pray for one another.” -- Adele Cahlhoun

  1. How have you generally thought about the way the Bible speaks of friendship? What impact has this had on your pursuit and cultivation of friendships?

  2. What friends has God provided that have helped you love God fully and live more wisely and joyfully? What can you learn from their example of spiritual friendship?

  3. Read Proverbs 27:17 and Proverbs 18:24 again. What do these texts suggest about spiritual friendship. Are you experiencing -- as giver and receiver -- the sort of friendship reflected in these verses? Why or why not? How might God be calling you to change and grow in this area?

  4. Read John 15:13-17, lingering on verse 13. How does the work of Jesus display and bring us into true friendship with God? How can this gospel truth shape you this week?

Formational Practice: Personal Reflection

Divide your life in three time period: childhood, adolescence, adulthood. Write down the friends the shaped you life in godly or positive ways, making note especially of spiritual friends God has provided for you along the way. Respond by thanking God and reflecting on ways you can learn from these examples.

Practice: Take one of the grids for spiritual friendship -- encouragement, accountability, support, prayer -- and make a tangible action to provide one these for a friend this week. Talk with this friend about ways to make your friendship more intentional.


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