Elder Policy
of Fellowship Memphis
Leadership Model
Throughout the New Testament, principles of church leadership point to a central theme - plurality. The church is to be led by a plurality of godly leaders. By relying on consensual agreement of godly Elders, a church creates a healthy check-and-balances of leadership direction, financial accountability, spiritual guidance, and ministry implementation.
This system of leadership allows the Elders to focus their gifts and time on their biblical mandate to lead and shepherd the church, while allowing ministry leaders (staff and other leaders) the opportunity to maximize their gifts and talents as they lead their ministries and make practical decisions on how to implement and carry out the direction provided by the Elders.
Implementation of Leadership
Fellowship Bible Church of Memphis, Inc. (the “Church”) shall be an Elder-led church and implement the biblical principles of plurality of godly leaders in its leadership structure. A strategy of biblically-based policies and guidelines adopted by the Elders shall guide ministry decisions and ensure that a healthy, God-honoring implementation of leadership and pastoral care is carried out.
Elders provide spiritual oversight, direction, and leadership for the Church, entrusting the implementation of that direction to ministry leaders and staff. Senior staff leadership is held accountable for fulfilling the Elders’ direction.
Elder Responsibilities
By the astounding grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Elders have been entrusted with the awesome role of “undershepherds” of his flock. This ministry is done collectively; therefore, the Elders must meet regularly to carry it out.
The Elders must consecrate themselves to the glory of God and the good of his people, and carry out the shepherding, prayer, discernment, and management tasks entrusted to them. As they do so, they should conduct themselves as Spirit-filled men who seek unity and true understanding of each other's minds.
Specifically, Elders will be responsible for the following:
• Define and uphold the vision, strategy, goals and resource allocation for the Church;
• Guard the culture of the Church;
• Ensure the Church’s overall teaching ministry reflects accurate, Biblical theology;
• Ensure the Church’s overall ministries reflect accurate Biblical theology;
• Set policies and procedures and make legal decisions on behalf of the Church.
• Oversee the lead pastor and other senior staff as needed;
• Be available for prayer and shepherding needs of the congregation of the Church;
• Training and election of new Elders;
• Participate when needed in the corporate gathering to help with shepherding moments and to be a visible presence; and
• Support and encourage the staff of the Church.
Biblical Elder Qualifications
An Elder shall be a man that shall have the character as reflected in 1 Timothy 3:2–7 and Titus 1:6–9:
• Above reproach—Elders must lead by example and demonstrate a lifestyle free from patterns of sin.
• Husband of one wife—Elders, if married, must be devoted to their respective spouses.
• Temperate—Elders must be self-controlled, enslaved to nothing, and free from excesses.
• Prudent; Sober-minded—Elders must be sober, sensible, wise, balanced in judgment, not given to quick, superficial decisions based on immature thinking.
• Respectable—Elders must demonstrate a well-ordered life and honorable behavior.
• Hospitable—Elders must be unselfish with personal resources, willing to share blessings with others.
• Able to teach—Elders must be able to communicate truth and sound doctrine in a non-argumentative way.
• Not addicted to wine—Elders must be free from addictions and willing to limit their liberty for the sake of others.
• Not pugnacious or quick-tempered—Elders must be gentle, patient, and able to exercise self-control in difficult situations.
• Uncontentious—Elders must not be given to quarreling or selfish argumentation.
• Free from the love of money—Elders must not be stingy, greedy, or for sordid gain, or preoccupied with amassing material things.
• Manage own household—Elders must have a well-ordered household and a healthy family life.
• Not a new convert/not a new believer—Elders must not be new believers. They must have been a Christian long enough to demonstrate the reality of their conversion and depth of spirituality.
• Good reputation with outsiders—Elders must be well respected by unbelievers and free from hypocrisy.
• Not self-willed—Elders must not be stubborn, or prone to forcing their opinions on others or abusing authority. They must be servant minded.
• Loving what is good—Elders must desire the will of God in every decision.
• Just—Elders must desire to be fair and impartial. Their judgments must be based on scriptural principles.
• Devout—Elders must be devoted Christ followers, seeking to be conformed to His image. They must be committed to prayer, worship, the study of Scripture, and the guarding of their spiritual walk.
• Holding fast the faithful Word—Elders must be stable in the faith, obedient to the Word of God, and continually seeking to be controlled by the Holy Spirit.
Elder Nominations and Elections
Nomination for someone for the office of Elder (an “Elder Nominee”) shall come from the congregation, Church staff and existing Elders.
Members from the congregation or staff who would like to nominate a man for consideration shall make the name known to an existing Elder, Campus Pastor or any way of notification as designated by the Elders.
The existing Elders shall consider all men nominated as Elder Nominees. The Elders shall then consider and vote on those Elder Nominees that they desire to nominate for the office of Elder (each, an “Elder Candidate”).
An affirmative vote of eighty percent (80%) of the Elders shall be necessary for an Elder Nominee to become an Elder Candidate. The Elders shall then ask each Elder Candidate whether he wants to be considered for the office of Elder.
All Elder Candidates that desire to be considered for the office of Elder shall go through a preparation and examination period (the “Examination Period”) before being announced to the congregation as an Elder Candidate.
An affirmative vote of eighty percent (80%) of the Elders shall be necessary for an Elder Candidate to be presented to the congregation as an Elder Candidate and, after such vote, the Elder Candidate will be presented to the congregation at least thirty (30) days before a final affirmation vote by the Elders.
At the time of the announcement, the congregation will be solicited for any biblical reasons why the Elder Candidate should not become an Elder (see 1 Timothy 5:19) and provide the manner in which such communication shall take place. Anonymous communications will not be accepted.
After the period has expired to receive communication from the congregation, the Elders shall then vote on the Elder Candidates to become Elders. An affirmative vote of eighty percent (80%) of the Elders shall be necessary for an Elder Candidate to become an Elder. After an affirmation vote, the Elder
Candidate shall be installed as an Elder by the Elders in the presence of the congregation at a Sunday worship service.
Notwithstanding the nomination and election process for Elders, the lead pastor, once affirmed into his office as pastor by the Elders, shall be an Elder.
The Elders shall elect a Chairman, who shall serve a two (2) year term. The Chairman shall not be a staff member.
Elder Examination Period
The following are items will be completed by an Elder Candidate during the Examination Period:
• Complete the Initial Elder Self-Assessment
• Complete the reading of materials regarding leadership and eldering
• Commit to praying and asking others to pray with you
• Share personal testimony with Elders and staff
• Complete an Elder examination
• Complete a meeting with Elders, including spouses.
• Complete a final interview with the lead pastor and at least one non-staff Elder
Elder Terms and Rotations
The term for all Elders other than the lead pastor will be three (3) years. An Elder’s term may be extended by three (3) additional years by an affirmation vote of eighty percent (80%) of the Elders. After six (6) consecutive years, an Elder must take a 1-year sabbatical. Other church staff may be Elders (See 1 Timothy 5:17), but no more than fifty percent (50%) of the Elders may be staff members.
Initially, the staggering of Elder terms will be established by the Elders based on previous years of service and to ensure balance in the rotation for the future. Initially, some Elders may be asked to serve two, three, four or five years in order for rotations to be able to set to three (3) years while still maintaining the number of Elders necessary to carry out their duties on behalf of the Church.
Meeting Schedule
Meeting schedules will ultimately be decided by the Chairman working with the Elders for each ministry year. Elders should expect to meet on average twice a month for meetings.
At times, there will be a more frequent meeting schedule when necessary, and there shall also be responsibilities outside of normally scheduled meetings.
Elder Process Overview
The Elders shall determine the timing of the nomination and election of Elders but below is the schedule that is to serve as a guide:
May – Nominations from the congregation, staff and existing Elders
June/July - Initial Assessment by Elder Committee of the Elder Nominees
August – Elder Nominees to be considered and voted on by the Elders to become Elder Candidates
September - Invitation to the Elder Nominees that the Elders have voted to be Elder Candidates.
October/November – Examination Period for Elders and completion of tasks by Elder Candidates.
December - Elders vote to present Elder Candidates to the congregation of the Church
January – Elder Candidates presented to the congregation of the Church.
February – Elder Candidates to be voted on by the Elders and, if applicable, installed as Elders.
*Elders proposed to be installed in 2022 shall go through a compressed schedule to be determined by the Elders.
Example Questions that an Elder Candidate should consider as he prayerfully considers being an Elder and potential readings for an Elder Candidate are attached as Exhibit A.
Elder Self-Assessment Questions
• Are you secure in the Gospel? Do you know the Gospel, preach it to yourself, family, friends? Are you resting in Christ?
• Are you praying regularly?
• Are you available? Do you have time to serve as an elder? Do you make conscious decisions to order your life around the mission of the church?
• Are you in community? Are you known?
• Are you teachable? Do you regularly pursue growth through lifelong learning (whatever form that takes)?
• Are you humble? Do you regularly submit to the input and direction of other people? Do you celebrate more than you criticize?
• Do you joyfully want to serve as an elder? Do you joyfully want to serve as an elder of Fellowship?
• Are you qualified? When you read the elder overview does it “fit” you? To what extent?
• The Bible
• Lead, Paul David Tripp
• Church Elders, Jeramie Rinne
• Biblical Eldership, Alexander Strauch