There are 2 ways for you to get involved:
ONE: Donate items.
Bring supplies from the list below to church with you on July 21. or bring them with you on Saturday, July 27th at 10am as we stuff backpacks together. You can use this link to order from our Amazon Wishlist.
TWO: Stuff backpacks with us.
On Saturday, July 27 from 10am-12pm, we will be joining the team of Foster Village Memphis at the FM Offices to fill backpacks, pray over the students and hear from the team about how they bless their families all year long.
Items to Donate
# 2 Pencils
2” Ring Binders
Colored Pencils
Composition Notebooks (wide ruled)
Pencil Sharpener
Loose-Leaf Notebook Paper (both college-ruled and wide-ruled)
Mechanical Pencils
Large Pink Erasers
Pocket Folders
Index Cards
Graph Paper
Pencil Bags