Filling Snack Bags for Neighborhood Christian Center
Snack Bags for NCC
For our October focus, we are partnering with our friends at Neighborhood Christian Center to provide snack bags for those in need. Neighborhood Christian Center often encounters individuals who are hungry or could use help with some basic hygiene products. Our hands can help partner with them to meet this need.
We will fill 2.5 gallon zippered storage bags and drop them off at each campus during the month of October.
Suggested Snack/Hygiene Items
peanut butter crackers
Vienna sausages
juice boxes
apple sauce
pop tarts
bars of soap
wet wipes
Drop Off Locations
You can drop off filled bags at our Harding or St. George’s campus on Sunday morning at the information table. Or bags can be dropped off at our church office on Mondays from 9:00 - 5:00 pm.