The Gift of The Inner Life - Guide to Practical Applications

The Gift of The Inner Life (Solitude)

Psalm 139 - Study Guide

Not only is life hard, life can be a blur. With so much going on, it’s hard to slow down and look inward and take stock of the deep questions. It’s easy to live life on the surface—without examination or reflection. The problem is that the unexamined life means life is happening to us and we have no sense of grounding or reflection about how God is working in us and around us. When we step away from the noise of our calendars, social feeds, and frantic activities, we can hear from God and center on his nearness and know best how to enter the fray of life tethered to him.

Reflection/Discussion Questions

  1. Re-read the selections from Psalm 62 and 139 from Sunday's message. What do these texts teach you about cultivating an inner life with God?

  2. How is the knowledge of God and the knowledge of self connected? What does this mean for our spiritual formation?

  3. What keeps you from solitude and considering your inner life with God? What encourages you to want to do so?

  4. What steps can you take this week to be present with God?


Formational Practice: The Examen from Ignatius of Loyola

Scripture: Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. Psalm 139:23-24

Overview: The examen, as a method of reflective prayer, helps us realize the purpose of spiritual exercises: to become aware of God’s presence and to discern His will through close attention to the subtle interior movements of God’s Spirit. Generally the examen is a practice for the close of your day.

Practice: Ask God to settle your mind and heart. Take a moment or two in silence before the Lord who formed you and loves you. Then, without judgment or rationalization, ask God to help you review your day through the following questions.

Where did I notice God’s presence?
Where did I fall short…not noticing His presence?

Where was God’s Spirit working in me or someone else?
Where was I insensitive, unloving, or damaging to others, creation, or myself?

Where was I most alive…living in step with the Spirit?
When did I feel detached or anxious or bored?

Thank God for his mercy and care and re-enter the rest of your day.


Formational Practice: Exploring the Iceberg from Pete and Geri Scazzero

Similar to the examen, this is a practice to do in solitude before the Lord prayerfully asking the following:

  1. What you mad about?

  2. What are you sad about?

  3. What are you anxious about?

  4. What are you glad about?

Address your concerns and joys to the Lord in prayer.


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