Vision Sunday 2025: A Renewed Vision for Memphis
OPEN IN PRAYER that God would give us eyes to see what he sees and desires to do in our city.
Group Discussion
God's Good World
Read Psalm 19:1-9 and Romans 1:20
How does this Psalm connect the natural world with God's glory and character?
How does appreciating the beauty and complexity of creation deepen our understanding of God?
How might this understanding of creation impact how we live and interact with one another and the world around us?
Christ and the New Creation
Read Revelation 21:1-4
What does this passage describe about the future of creation? How does it differ from the current state of the world?
How does the promise of a new heaven and a new earth impact how we live today?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
What are the practical implications of being a new creation? How does it change our identity and purpose?
How does it impact you to hear that God appeals to his world “through us”?
Life Together as a Renewed Story
Read Acts 2:42-47 (The early church community):
What characterized the life of the early church community? How did their shared life demonstrate the reality of the new creation?
What are some practical ways we can cultivate this kind of community in our own contexts?
Read John 13:34-35 (Love one another):
How does Jesus' command to love one another connect with the idea of new creation?
What are some specific ways we can demonstrate love to one another in our community?
CLOSE IN PRAYER that God would strengthen us to surrender to him in a fresh way so that he might bring about the renewal of his world through us!